Friday, September 17, 2010

Three Reasons Why Normal Wrist Watches are better Than Pocket Watches

1. ) Try taking a pocket watch to 35,000 feet in either direction. Call me and tell me how it worked.
2.) Pocket watches do not allow for sureptious viewing.
3.) Wrist Watches can be both digital AND analog.

Three Reasons Why Pocket Watches are Better than Normal Wrist Watches

1.) Stylish, Yet practical
2. ) Adds a hint of class and standoutishness to any outfit.
3.) Much, much easier to set the time on.
(4. could be used as a potential weapon in a street fight)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stupid Popularity

So, Tommorrow I'm gonna run for class president. That's right, Ben Savage,  2012 Class President. The problem is, this is my third time running. I haven't won once. Now, I know that our society says " It's not about winning, it's about the experience" or "If at first you don't suceed, get back up on the horse,"  or a million other platitudes,but the fact that I haven't won, and likely WON'T win, irks me. Bear in mind, I know the former canidates that beat me, and I know the canidates that I am running against. I enjoy their company and bear them no ill will. I would love if I could call them my friends. The problem is, they were( and are) almost guareented to win, because they have so many friends, and people just vote for their friends-or the same guy as last year. I get that politics is a dirty buisness, but it's the junior class election. And favortisim is annoying as h***. I guess the question I am asking myself is why am I running if I have no chance of winning? Because I want to. Does that change the fact that high school is a hot bed of favoritism and cliques?
Not in the slightest. Oh well.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top Five Evil Robots that I know And Love

Okay, so this blog post was brought on by a new game coming out called Portal 2. Never played it, but watched the videos with the evil robot antagonist.  Which led to this blog post to fill space, cause you can't write about just one thing. Counting down top five evil robots-

5.) OTTO from Wall-E. From the electroshock prod to the sinister red eye, the Pixar animated autopiolet in the movie Wall-E was smooth and fluid...yet tried to kill Wall-E and Eve and everyone else who wanted to make the world a better place.
4.) HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odessey- I don't think Hal was really bad. ( Haven't seen the movie, so I can't really say for sure.) The sinster red eye, the disembodied voice, the basis for Number Five on this list, embodies all that is evil in the mechanical world. However, Hal was good hearted, but he couldn't understand  a higher distinction than 'preserve the human's life' which is what his controllers did by limiting what he could tell them in the name of 'national security' . Hal was really just a small child, alone and confused.
3.) Ummmm...Oh yeah, MEGATRON. Not so much a robot as a hugemongous death-dealing uber-machine. From his multiple transformations (gun, tank, plane etc al.) to his perpetual sneer, he is one robot baddie that you do not want to tangle with.
2.) THE TERMINATOR. Haven't seen the movies, so I can't judge, but no list is complete with out the Terminator. Besides, Arnie could totally take on Megatron mano-e-mano and come out on top.
1.) GLaDOS- the whole reason for this post. GLaDOS is a super-computer and the main villian in the original Portal game. She taunts the protagonist, Chell, and makes it appear like an accident that Chell nearly keeps on dying...and is polite the whole time. Now, in the new game, she is P.O'ed and she is determined to outright kill Chell-but still being polite about it. She doesn't do the dirty work, just uses giant lasers, automatic turrets, and other death dealing machines. I think really is all I am saying is that she is one scary lady...which is probably the point. The game play looks awesome, and intense, and she appears to be really angry at you. Making her even more scary.

Feeding the Hype?

So after a short hiatus of writing on my blog, I have come back. First off, like my school and all my classes, no complaints. Also avoiding homework right now so yeah. The thing that got me, however, was this guy in the news planning to burn the Koran on 9/11. First off, I respect his right to constitionionally do that as a form of protest. But it is just stupid. It would be like Muslims burning the bible for outrage against Catholic sex abuses. (I know that does not appraoch the magnitude of anything that has happened, but it was the only analogy I could think of.) This is personifiing all that is wrong with extreme hate and fear in a people. By doing this, we only feed the fires of ignorance and hate, and they will not burn slower after this. America was not founded on the exclusion of certain religions- but religious freedom  to all. I know I am probably echoing the sentiments of many, but it's true- it's a fundamentally stupid idea, with no reason for it and it will only hinder and hurt America. So yeah, there's my soapbox and I am sticking too it.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Feel like I should write something about it...but yeah. Preping for rain, wind...and watching (hopefully) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-the original. If power goes out, it goes out. Pretty cool that a hurricane comes this way...bad that it comes this way. So yeah. I really got nothing to say. Oh hey, winds picking up when I look outside. Let the fun begin, and batten down the hatches!

Blu-Ray Judgement.

Okay, so I had this random thought a while ago. My family has a Blu-Ray player, and it's not so new that it doesn't accept old style DVD's. Here's the thing, though. Whenever I put in an old style DVD, the light on the top of the disk drive changes in color. Usually when a Blu Ray disk is put in, then the color is a rich, electric blue. However, when I  put in an old-style DVD, the color changes to a paltry grey. Like, corpse grey. If corpses were lit by an internal light. I feel like the Blu-Ray player is judging me, like it's saying
" Whoa, wait, what is this? Am I not good enough for Blu-Ray? You don't want to spend more money to get me to my full potential? Feh! I'm done with you!"

As you can tell, sometimes the voices in my head don't shut up.

Hmmmm...Oh, yeah, The Title.

So in the first of several planned blog posts( which have nothing to do with the more pressing matters on my plate,) I decided to answer the question of Why my Blog Has this Name. ( Even though no one actually asked this question, and I am mainly doing this to fill space, cause  I doubt people will read this anytime soon. ) Aces And Eights is a long standing fascination of mine, starting with the movie...I want to say Jack& Jill with Morgan Freeman. It was an James Patterson Alex Cross movie adaptation. In the movie, the female love intrest/partner/villian? shows Morgan Freeman a dual barrel, top over bottom Turkish Shotgun. ( Boys and their toys.) Morgan/Cross asks her how she got it and she says her father won it in a game of poker with a hand of aces and eights. He comments that it was a dead man's hand, and I was hooked. It sounded sweet, and conjured up a nice image.

Did some research (Okay, okay, I went on a family trip to South Dakota. So I learned something-It's not a crime!) and found out there is some truth to the whole 'dead man's hand' thing. Turns out, when the outlaw Wild Bill Hicock was shot to death, he was playing poker, and he held five cards. Two black aces, two black eights, and one red card that varies on the story. This became known as the "Deadman's Hand"

So, my intrest in this name was from an outlaw, or Morgan Freeman. Take your pick.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fact of the Day/Week(x2)

It is legal to duel on Boston Common if the govener is present.

You need a permit for a goatee in Massachusetts.

My Trust Issues

So, apparently, I got picked to have lunch with five other guys and a girl I barely know. THis is where my trust issues come into play- Am I getting punked, or pranked, or whatever the current lingo is? Maybe I'm just paranoid, but these things rarely go my way. Oh well. At worst, I get free food out of it.

But yeah. That's been a constant issue with me.( The pranking, not the free food. Believe me, if I had a problem with free food, everyone would be able to see it.) I guess mabye I was an easy target, and it just carried over. That, and I am notoriously thin skined.  Is it just like something that's popular in society now, having fun at other's expense? Or is this just me writing a random blog post for the one sporadic reader and the one potential one? No idea.


The Weather

Just a quick note on the weather here- whether it be a light rain, or a devasting hurricane, either way we're getting cooled off. But has anyone considered what happens if the hurricane swings up like some are predicting, and swings up over Long Island? The damage to New York will be catastrophic, nevermind Boston. BUT, since no one is reading this blog, my opinion doesn't really matter much.

One last thought, and the whole reason for this post-
"Hurricane warning means that a hurricane MIGHT happen. Hurricane watch means, it's GONNA happen"
Mike Smith and Adam Cunningham