Monday, January 17, 2011

Humans Against Bus Bigotry- H.A.B.B

Okay, so this post is puerly to get out of homework, i.e., more procratination. Don't yell at me tommorrow! SO anyway, I went to go see yet another action flick today ( The Green Hornet) and near the end of the movie, this big chase scene happens, and the car flys through a city bus, causing it to ( in true movie style physics) explode into smitheereens. Then I realized something: Hollywood hates civic trasnport. Take any movie, and where ever it has a chase scene or urban riot, a bus gets destroyed in spectacular fashion. Think about it, as I haven't, and only have two or so movies to go on.
The Green Hornet
Speed- I mean, the whole movie is to prevent the bus from exploding, but it dies in the end
The Rock- Granted, this one is a trolley car, but close enough for goverment work.
I believe further canidates could include The Matrix, The Mechanic, and others, but I don't have the time to look up further examples. And since no one reads this anyway, who cares?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

TRON: Legacy- And First Inagural Post

Okay, so this is my first post for 2011. Yay, hooray, big whoop-dee-do. I mean, no one is gonna read this anyway. But, to start it off, I decided to do  a movie review, based on a movie I saw today with my friend, Connor. You can guess what the movie is by the title. If you can't guess it becasue you're illiterate, I have no help for you, as you obviously have no clue what this is about. TRON: Legacy, for all you uninitiated, is based 20 years in the future from the original one. ( though I saw that one...Earlier this morning, now that I think about it, and for the original, I agree with the statement made my cousin-he could make better effects on his phone today) Anyhow, the new movie has Kevin Flynn's son all grown up and mad at the establishment- he rides fast motorbikes, avoids cops, and casues trouble for the un-cool tightwad suits now running his father's country. Did I say country? I meant COMPANY. Turns out, Kevin, the original TRON guy, dissapeared after bringing his company to the top of the stratosphere. And now his company is in the position of money first, quality and spirit second. Casue, you know, thats so uncommon in these times. So Sam, his son, is angry and sad, probably becasue he misses his daddy. But what snaps him out of the funk that he is perenially in, is his dad's buisness partner recieves a page, thats right, a page, from his dad's old *disconnected* number. He goes down, explores a bit, and then he gets beamed into the TRON world. After hearing his father spin fantastic tales about the Tron universe, he expects it to be all sunshine and happyness. Nope. He's arrested for being a rouge program and put into the games by his fathers older overseer program, CLU, who has a sinster plan to...essentially take over the outside world. What follows is Sam's happy/sad family reunion, and meeting a smokin' hot babe named Quorra- after he escapes from both lightcycles and spinning flying discs. In the end, good triumphs over evil, and Sam realizes the power he has within himself and matures fast. The real power that  this movie has is the tounge in check homages to the old movie. It celebrates the old movie, while at the same time charting a brand spanking new way forward on its own. The CGI is pretty damn impressive too, but of course, that almost goes without saying.  The 'flycycles', are particularly impressive.  I want one. The whole idea is visually stunning and superbly crafted. Story can drag at a few points, but overall,  a solid 6 out of 10. More later on the year in review