Saturday, July 9, 2011

So Many Plot Holes~ But the Robots Make Up for It.

                         Okay, so I'm gonna try to make this quick becasue I have to wake up early tommorrow. I just saw Transformers Three, and while it was not an award winning movie by any means, I enjoyed the escapism it presented. The transformers films are all pretty obvious- opening set up of Sam, Autobots,update, all hell breaks loose,  crisis resolved. This film plot line is no different. Surprisingly, some of the government officials seem helpful- and then they are their usual  jerk selves. The film starts with Sam trying to get a job, aided by his Victoria Secret's model girlfriend, Rosie Huntington-Barre, replacing Megan Fox. The villian isn't very obvious first, as we ar econcerned with the arrival of pieces of the moon which were actually an Autobot spacecraft carrying both a vital technology, and Sentenial Prime, voiced by Lenord Nimoy almost to perfection. Then (SPOILER ALERT) Sentenial turns out to be a major jerk and double crosser. Robotic hell of all sorts breaks loose, and builds Micheal Bay pace to the epic conclusion. Now for the parts I don't like.
                                   In the opening scene, the NEST team headed by Josh Dumanel and Optimus Prime have to go to Chernobyl to recover a part of said moon spacecraft. Forgive me, but isn't Chernobyl the most cliched piece of disaster around? I keep waiting for the Ukranians to stand up and say " Hey, America! Piss off! This was a national tradgedy, not some amusment gimick!" Also, the villian that they fought looked like the Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean with entierly too much blades. And then every Decepticon thing had this weird tentacle motif, like they were extras in the Predator movies. The colors of the robots were bad, some were just awful, and overall the government types were inconsitent- bitchy/ not bitchy, helpful/not helpful, etc al. I also hated the woman next to me who gasped at literally every plot development/ battle- which meant I heard a gasp at least every five minutes.
                         Now for the types of things I did like. Against what my best friend said, I liked the dialouge. Some of it hit home, like one of the characters  yelling out " Man, why do all the Decepticons get all the good stuff!" I liked the voice- and - character acting, with my favorite being the apperance of Alan Tudyk as a NSA spook/bodyguard. He is one of my favorite actors from my favorite TV show, Firefly and I was glad to see he got to keep his trademark sense of humor intact. Note to Alan: PLEASE DO MORE MOVIES!!!! Also, the appearance of Sam's parents was thankfully kept to a minimum. It added to the story with out making me want to put an ax through their head. Sam's struggle to matter in a job really hit home for me. All in all, a solid B, B- as a movie. Its a typical summer movie- great for escaping reality for a few hours.
Decent. Now I desperatly need to get sleep for camp.