Monday, March 21, 2011

Curse You, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder! And Poor Decision Choices! And The F Key!

So hello to all you non- readers out there. I am writing this on the spur of the moment but will NOT be posting it to Facebook until a day or so later, because I dont' want to lose Facebook Priveleges. ( Its been threatened...) Couple of things for the non- readers out there.
 I have a new favorite website. It's called Oddee. It is all the strange, wonderful, and bizzare things trolled from the internet. Bear in mind, however, it is the interwebs. Strange things may appear, and several are 18 + and NSFW. But for all that, it is an awesome sight. Its like the high school graduate to younger kids. Before he goes off to college, he is a treasure trove of wonderous tales and information. He might be a bit sketchy, but in the end he's all good.
Additionally, this thought came to me through the haze of hyperactivity.
Can people get addicted to prescription drugs?
Its not what you think, not like Oxycodin or Perecot. Not painkillers. I guess a better, more accurate question is - In situations where the prescription pill is not necessary for the sustainment of life, outside of addictions or such things, is is possible for people to get hooked on the physical drug and the benefits of this? For example, my ADHD is regulated by a pill. When I don't have the pill, I have to conciounciously remind myself to calm down, slow down and don't say something stupid. That happened recently for a long period of time, 4 days. I found myself not only avoiding the behavior I was loathe to do , but associating it with the pill.
" I wouldn't have to do this if I had taken my Medicine." " The pill would prevent me from doing this." " When is my medication going to be refilled" etc etc. You get the picture. But I just as easily could've stopped taking the pill and control it through sheer willpower alone. I felt like a taunt piano wire, ready to snap. Even now, I'm not doing homework like I should be finishing up. Did I become addicted to the pill itself? It was an ingrained part of my life. Did taking that away throw me off more than the abscence of the effects of the pill? I don't know. This subject has probably been debated by smarter people than me for quite some time. Just ramblings.

As for the title- poor decision to write this post, and my F key on my computer is being sticky/nonfunctional at times. Really irks me off when I pass in papers with missing F's. And I hate ADHD right now.

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