So, um, yeah. I'm sitting here in the computer lab, no VHS, listening to god knows what music ( apparently it's from There Will Be Blood) just realized I'm thirsty. Nothing comes to mind. So, I guess I'll recap my past few weeks.
Went to New York, pretty cool. Actually got to eat a Vermonster ( google it) and surprise of surprise, actually managed to eat dinner that night. No one was surprised more so than me. We did miss the train stop, which was pretty funny.
Had a great birthday. Thanks for all the people who wished me a happy birthday on Facebook and in person. Got a Black Mesa T-Shirt ( Google it, again) two books, some LEGO, a NERF sniper rifle, and an honest-to-god truly awesome windable pocket watch. I can see the gears and everything. I think its one of my favorite gifts.
Just thought who is going to read here. No clue.
Oh well.
In other news, next week is going to suck. Not only is it a B week, with three long block classes of Math, I have Gym. Also, I have a service project, Mr. THS if I can't get out of it, a weekend event PLUS two AP tests. Started to freak out about those, and before I go on, if anyone thinks I am bitching and that I knew what I was getting into when I signed up and I have a responsibility to do these events yadda yadda yadda. I KNOW. I am simply saying I think its going to be one of those weeks were everything collides like whatever particles they shove into the Large Hauldron Collider and then rev it up to near the speed of light. The Eagle Court of Honor is proceeding. I almost don't want it to end. I would like to continue to have something large in my scouting career to look forward to.
Also, in world news, Usama/Osama Bin Laden is dead. Killed by American Seal Team Six. I bet those guys never have to buy a drink in the pub now. Fun fact, apparently he was 17th of 52 kids. Imagine the Christmas for that family.
" Did we get everyone?"
" No, you forgot these five"
So this is not news for anyone who has been breathing for the last two days. If you have been dead, and thus unable to receive auditory signals, I can't help ya. I have mixed feelings about this, and that makes me apprehensive. No doubt it was a good idea, but I felt that he was sort of a bogey man living in the caves for the past few years. After we didn't catch him immediately, I feel like he was gradually regulated to the back pages of the news. It doesn't have the visceral impact that 9/11 had for the populace. I will most likely be crucified for those statements. I don't think cutting off the head of an organization such as Al- Queida can kill the organization. if anything, it is only a morale booster for us. I don't know. I think part of this is something I've tried to ignore for a while- I've read too many Tom Clancy and Vince Flynn books. I think that the solutions will be easy and quick. Maybe that's the American curse- fast results, yesterday. I don't know. I do know that it was good to finally have him dead. But 200 feet from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point? Really?
And thus ends another chapter of Ben, the perenial rehasher and coattail rider.
Until Next time.
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