Sunday, September 11, 2011

What I remember.

                            I don't remember much. I remember waking up and heading to school like any other day. I had a good day, I was still adjusting to second grade. I remember being really happy as I got on the bus. I had a great day. Everyone was yelling and talking. In retrospect, the teachers did a superb job of keeping us in the dark. We didn't get any inkling of what went wrong. The first thing that was up was my mom was home. In those days, she had one day off, a Thursday. This was Tuesday or Wendsday. I remember looking out the bus window and seeing her with my brother by  my side, holding his hand. She looked so scared- again, in retrospect. I got off the bus, laughing and joking. I remember I said to her,
"Why are you here? It isn't Thursday." She had tears down her face.  She said " Oh, honey, there was this awful plane crash. They flew a plane into a tower" My mind automatically associated that with her tower. Woudl she be let off of work and be able to play with me?  Of the next few days, I remember dawning horror. Hugs. Lots of hugs, and I think I was hudled in a ball the next day when they brougth counselors into the school to talk with us. We were in the talk circle and they just sat down and tried to talk to us.  I had a vauge concept of 'bad men' doing this and we were going to get the bad men. 

                          I don't think it hit me with the visceral power that it did others. I was still too young to comprehend this. My brother was too young to even rember that much. It still is horrbile for me, but unfortunatly, in the semi- detached way of many natural disasters.  But what struck me, watching the broadcast of the 10th anniversary, is how many multi-national names there were on this list. Not just Americans, but people all over. It is an American Tragedy, but it was also a World Tragedy.

Never Forget, Always Remember.

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