Well hello, out there, cyberspace. I read a little blurb that said to get readers, you need to make posts for more than once a week. The best results are daily. To that I say....mmmmnope, have better things to do. So anywho, I had a really good Veterans Day weekend. Equal parts manual labor, fun, and making an indelible impression on others. So I just got back from seeing Trans- Siberian Orchestra, as a bit of family fun. I have to say, I was impressed. More like blown away by the power of it. And by blown away, I mean just that. Using some calculations I made up on the fly, and a basis of electricity consumption that has no root in any reality whatsoever, I figured that the power used to produce this show with all the effects could have powered a small city for something like six months. It was that intense. There were lights as big as me, lights across the stage, and lights in the air. Bear in mind, that they set this up constantly. So all of this stuff is portable. Thats not even the best part. Most bands wait to release phosphorus and smoke and fire as the grand finale. Nope. These guys did it in a midshow song. And it just got bigger from there. The stage was dominated by three pairs of triangles made up of trusses, one inside the other. These triangles could raise, lower, tilt, all independent of each other. At various times they were used to simulate a vauge Christmas tree, the mouth of a beast, and free floating light platforms. ( Hey, they can't all be something ) Easily the coolest part however was a system of trusses that allowed the band members to walk in the air over the audience. It was high up, and you thought that all the lights were attached to it. Nope. It lowered down and allowed them to walk on it, and then it raised itself up a little bit so as to have them suspended in space. There was also fire, and let me point out that this is the only band that I encountered that used fire as a percussive instrument. At one point, there was fire on the stage, but I felt really hot...only to see that there was fire( planned) behind me. It was neat. The only qualm I had was that I sat on a floding chair for the entire show, and the arena was hot. I will write more( hopefully) later as I am currently being sked to vacate the premise of the computer.
Have a good week, and you stay classy now.
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